Finding Bright


Will you let light find you?

Finding Bright explores the intersection of childhood and adulthood, focusing on how the complex trauma of an unconventional upbringing can make the transition difficult.

I fabricate these environments to create a shared cathartic experience between myself and the subject.

Each image is pulled from my core, a memory that wants to keep me trapped in the darkness of my own past, inside the exhausting push-pull of a deep rooted codependency.

I marry ill-suited emotions to expose the personal intimacy that comes from locating a sick kind of joy in the middle of your darkness.

The theatrical isolation of my subjects is intentional. It calls on the viewers own internal road map, acting as a mirror for their journey - are you really where you hoped you'd be?

Inside these photos is the freedom I longed for as a child mixed with the sharp edge of this adult independence I am not ready for.
I am intentionally doing what I was scolded for when I was young: creating drama out of ordinary moments and it is every bit as glorious as I had hoped.